Dont let Rona die to the Hands of Lowes !!

Seems that every time we have a well established company like Tim Horton's or the 407 Express Toll Route we feel the need to let it go to be profitable else where !!

Rona started in Quebec many years ago and spreaded out quickly through Canada and his now one of the most succesfull Canadian company in history !! On top of being an important sponsor of the 2010 olympics and his athletes for many years, it's also a multitude of stores across the nation !!

From corner hardware store to mega building center; shining with the high quality of their produits, their covered and drive thru lumber yards, their very clean and neatly displayed aisles and their knowledgeable experts !! They offer better products at reasonable prices and always try to encourage local economy which should be the case for any business wherever they are from !!

I was shocked when I heard that rumor, because we would let go one of our landmark for another major merge story in order to shut down the competitiors !! Competition has always been great in any market, it pushes any company or individual to do better on top of avoiding a Monopoly !! Monopoly in the other hand plays against the customer favor because when there is no other choice or nowhere else to go you have to buy whatever you need not necessary for the fair market price !!

Think about it next time you want to spend for your next purchase !!


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