RIDGID Professional Tools

About a month ago I was talking with a friend of mine who is an engineer and we where discussing of the fact that most of the stuff we buy today is disposable !! I mean back in the day you would buy a fridge and it would last at least 20 to 25 years !! The same thing would have applied to a whole lot of things like washing machine, television and even cars !! Basically we mostly pay for lighter, cheaper, more convenient things and loaded with gadgets that we don't need !! Usually we tend to throw them away when it's outdated or because it's cheaper to buy a new item that to fix the one we have !! It's the way the future is headed you would say, but it seems a little bit conflictive with the whole being green thing and saving the environment when we actually throw all theses battery power electronic devices and power tools !! That's why after spending hundred's of dollars over the last 10 years in power tools and especially cordless drills I've dec...