Drilling tiles or porcelain

If you ever had to drill into ceramic tiles or glass, you know how hard the material is to get through !! Over the years, I've learned that if you have a glass bit it makes the job a breeze for glass or ceramic, but with porcelain is not quite that easy !! 1. If I had to start with my least favorite, I would start with the glass tile bit !! Not because it's the less efficient, but since the carbide setting is more fragile than on the other drill bits, when it overheat it tends to disintegrate faster !! 2. In second position I would put the carbide hole saw !! It's definitely a very efficient and solid drill bit, but it's a bit harder to rely on for accurate drilling, especially for inexperienced people since it tend to walk on hard surfaces like glass and porcelain !! A quick tip would be to start to drill at a 45 deg angle with that bit and press firmly against hard surfaces to avoid the walking !! 3. Another fairly new products that...